ফেইসবুক ট্রিকস

►► ট্রিকস....১ ::: ফেইসবুক সর্টকাট 

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►► ট্রিকস....২ ::: ফেইসবুক chat এ ব্যবহৃত  সংক্ষিপ্তরুপ 

ASAP= As Soon As Possible
GN= Good Night
M/F= Are You Male or Female?
ASL= Tell me your Age,Sex and Location
IDK= I don’t Know
SD= Sweet Dreams
BRB= Be Right Back
JK= Just Kidding
Tnx = Thanks
BTW= By The Way
K= Okay
TY= Thank You
ROFL= Rolling on Floor Laughing
LOL= Laugh out Loud
TTYL= Talk to you later
FYI= For Your Information
LMAO= Laugh My Ass Out
WTF= What The F**k
FB = Facebook
LMFAO= Laugh my f**king ass off
WTH = What the hell
GM= Good Morning
LMK= Let Me Know
zzz= Sleeping
BFF= Best Friends Forever
Jk= Just kidding
B4 = Before
L8= Late
gr8= great
plz= please
sry= sorry
bbz= babes
kk= okay
kl= cool
w8= Wait